Right Boot . . . Got It!

Right Boot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . zing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Got It!

I'm a guy pushing 40 who loves movies, sports, TV, books, music, video games and comic books (basically all things entertainment). The posts will likely be random ramblings of entertainment stuff I enjoy, some 70s, a lot of 80s, the 90s and today, all very likely smothered with a heavy dose of cheese. Kind of like an easy listening blog station. Oh yeah, and a lot of bad or unfortunate names.



I'm going to do my best not to Munson this blog.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Hotel Ramblings

I'm in a hotel for the next couple of days at a conference.  I'm stuck with an unfamiliar TV and setting, so I'm just flipping channels. Why does it seem like there are things I have never heard of when I'm in a hotel? Don't they have the same channels (pretty much) that I do? 

First, I flip by USA Network and, hey it's Monday, so the WWE (wrestling) is on. I'm not sure why, but Meat Loaf is in the middle of the ring arguing with some guy.  Mr. Loaf then proceeds to serenade this guy.  What the F* is going on here?  Is Meat really in that bad of shape that he has to do Monday night rasslin'?  Don't get me wrong, I used to LOVE rasslin, but you've got to move on.  I guess that Bat Out of Hell money finally dried up.

On some channel I've never heard of (HD Theater) is some motorcycle race in Europe I've never heard of called Isle of Man TT.  I've got to say, in HD it is pretty impressive and holds my attention for at least 3 minutes.  The streets all seem to be closed off for this race and it appears that at least a half dozen people are watching it from alleys and whatnot.  Can you imagine this happening in the US?  This would be a logistical nightmare, not to mention it would piss people off so bad that Bubba would likely drive his 4-wheel drive right out on the track so he could get over to the Wal-Mart. 

And, wait a minute, is that Escape From New York? Looks like I'm about to be sucked into the moral ambiguity that is Snake Plissken.  Later.

1 comment:

Official wife of BoDerickus said...

Wow. No wonder you were bored! Just think. You could have been at home with load chaos, interruptions, and the obligatory 90 min it takes to watch a 30 min show! Come home soon!