Right Boot . . . Got It!

Right Boot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . zing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Got It!

I'm a guy pushing 40 who loves movies, sports, TV, books, music, video games and comic books (basically all things entertainment). The posts will likely be random ramblings of entertainment stuff I enjoy, some 70s, a lot of 80s, the 90s and today, all very likely smothered with a heavy dose of cheese. Kind of like an easy listening blog station. Oh yeah, and a lot of bad or unfortunate names.



I'm going to do my best not to Munson this blog.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Movie Quote-apalooza

How well do you know your movies?  Can you pick out a movie from just one quote, WITHOUT using Google (or some search engine)? If you know any of the movies, leave your answer(s) in the Comments section (along with your nom de plume). Let's see which YMGTC reader is a movie genius.  Remember, no cheating.

I'll try to start out easy in this inaugural edition of Guess That Movie:

1.  Snakes. Why did it have to be snakes?

2.  I'd buy that for a dollar!

3.  You're bleeding, man. You're hit.
      I ain't got time to bleed

4.  Ray, when someone asks you if you're a God, you say, "Yes!"

5.  I'll be taking these Huggies, and whatever cash ya got.

6.  Listen, strange women lying in ponds and handing out swords is no basis for a system of government.

7.  We are men of action, lies do not become us.

Now to separate the pretenders:
8.  "I can see Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto" . . . "All I can see is Uranus."

9.  "I'll be back!" . . . "Only in a rerun."

10.  My friend here is trying to convince me that any independent contractors who were working on the uncompleted Death Star, were innocent victims when they were destroyed by the Rebels.

Happy guessing.


The Moniker said...

Legend of Dewey Cox
Cannonball Run II
Smokie and the Bandit
Big Momma's House II
Battlefield Earth
Basic Instinct II
Sargent Bilco
The Postman
The Hottie and the Nottie
Howard the Duck

I am the greatest.

BoDerickus said...

So Close, but . . . survey says: XXX

EB said...

1. Raiders of the Lost Ark
5. Raising Arizona
10. Star Wars
- Ebony Black

Bald hippie said...

1. Raiders of the Lost Ark
2. -
3. Robert Downey Jr in that war movie spoof where he plays a black guy.
4. Ghostbusters
5. Raising Arizona
6. Monty Python and the Holy Grail
(supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farsical aquatic ceremony!)
7. -
8. - (evidently I am a pretender)
9. -
10. -

BoDerickus said...

Good work by Moniker, it probably took some work just to come up with 10 random movie names.

So far, Bald Hippie has 4 right and EB got 2.
1. Raiders of the Lost Ark
4. Ghostbusters
5. Raising Arizona
6. Monty Python and the Holy Grail

BoDerickus said...

Bald Hippie is the winner

1. Raiders of the Lost Ark
2. Robocop
3. Predator - uttered by Jesse "the Body" Ventura
4. Ghostbusters
5. Raising Arizona
6. Monty Python and the Holy Grail
7. The Princess Bride
8. The Corsican Brothers
9. Running Man
10. Clerks