I have finally come to the conclusion that I'm getting old. What made me finally accept that? Was it the fact that I get tired more easy or parts of my body hurt that I didn't even know existed? No, what finally made me figure it out was good ol' Mr. Salt and Mrs. Pepper (and Paprika). Anyone reading this with a child under the age of 14 probably knows who these annoying "people" are. The cartoon world's first interracial marriage - Mr. Salt and Mrs. Pepper were groundbreaking (much like the Willis' on The Jeffersons). Also, these two are French. How do we know? Because they speak in zee OUTRAGEOUS FRENCH ACCENTS!
Paprika hungry! Sorry purists, Cinnamon wasn't in the picture yet.
So why did this anthropomorphic pair make me realize my increasing age? Because somehow I forgot how incredibly annoying this toy was. When the official daughter of BoDerickus was born in 1998, Blue's Clues was in full swing. Sometime soon after, we bought this toy for her. This thing says a lot of annoying lines from the show, but its main objective was, when you pushed Mr. Salt's mouth, they sang this charming little ditty (to a Calypso tune):
Healthy snacks!
Healthy snacks!
We love to eat the healthy snacks.
Carrots, bananas and celery too,
We like to eat healthy snacks, don't you?
This song was played in my house about 10,000 times. Not only that, this wonderful toy would start the song over every time you pushed the mouth. I had a young Jay-Z in my house for years practicing her "mix" skills (healthy snacks, healthy, healthy, healthy, healthy, healthy snacks, hea-, hea-, health, health, healthy, healthy, healthy snacks, etc., ad infinitum).
Dammit, man, get to the point, why did this make you fell old? Because, not too long ago, my four year old dug this out of some hidden nook and brought it to me. Thankfully, the batteries had died. But what did I do? Yes, you guessed it, I put new batteries in it and am now being serenaded once again by the smooth calypso stylings of Mr. Salt and Mrs. Pepper.
Finally, I'm told that taking twice as long to tell a story is a sign of old age also. I'm not sure I buy that.
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